
Regional Growth with the Southern Economic Development Council

Regional Growth with the Southern Economic Development Council

Business gets better when we learn from one another. Putting that principle to practice in a big way is the Southern Economic Development Council, a collaborative non-profit that comprises 17 Southern states—and an endless variety of views, 的见解, and experiences to learn from.

最终的结果? Strategies that help businesses thrive at the local level and beyond.

今年7月, Team Volusia will be attending the Southern Economic Development Council Annual Conference and 董事会 Meeting in Mobile, 阿拉巴马州. Read on for a closer look at what the conference entails, and the promising opportunities it offers Greater Daytona Region commerce.

A tradition of innovation

The Southern Economic Development Council has been up and running since 1946, making it the oldest (and biggest) organization of its kind in North America today. 当然, this impressive age does not preclude the spirit of innovation that characterizes the Council—rather, the group is in the business of accomplishing big “firsts,” both then and in the present day. It was the first to formalize the field of industrial development on a regional level, having begun with a small group of Southern professionals in Memphis, Tennessee and increasing in size from there.

即使在今天, the Southern Economic Development Council prides itself as being “THE innovative, effective professional economic development organization.” Through annual conferences and other events, the Council has done just that—having been on the forefront of issues such as competition and globalization while maintaining local strengths.

Getting to know the 董事会

While the Southern Economic Development Council has grown in great number since its beginnings in 1946, a 董事会 Meeting at the Council’s Annual Conference helps State Directors and an Executive Committee maintain close ties, and work in a cohesive way to arrive at smart solutions for Southern development. One member of the 董事会, serving as Florida’s State Director, is Team Volusia’s own President and CEO Keith Norden.

Tackling today’s employment needs

Every Annual Conference centers itself around a key theme—this year, it is “Navigate, 创新, 和培养,” an approach that seeks to understand Southern communities’ experiences with low employment, 独一无二的, forward-thinking ways they have sought to solve it. It goes without saying that the information and experiences shared at this sort of event can go a long way in improving employment and other industry needs for locales all across the South, including right here in Volusia County.

The power of networking

In addition to ample opportunities for professional development, the Southern Economic Development Council Annual Conference is a top spot for networking. Against the scenic backdrop of Mobile, a Gulf Coast city with lots of character, professionals from across the Southern region will be able to share experiences, ideas and helpful contacts with their fellow members of the industry—a sort of exchange that cannot be found just anywhere.

The Southern Economic Development Council Annual Conference and 董事会 Meeting begins on July 29th. Stay tuned to learn more about the exciting information presented at the event, and what it may mean for the future of Greater Daytona Region industries.



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